do you find yourself sitting at work and all of the sudden have an empty feeling inside of you? only come to realize that the empty feeling is not knowing what my new (renovated) apartment looks like? finally, you can stop biting your nails and all anxiety can be relieved, and that empty feeling- can be filled. here, are pictures of my new apartment.
note: the apartment is not completely finished being decorated.
if it bothers you that i might not have a few lamp shades or my mattelasse on my bed or decorative pillows, you can stop looking at the pictures, it won't hurt my feelings. you can have that empty feeling filled with booze or any other recreational drug of your choice.
eh hem.
a general overview of my apartment as a whole.
i'm standing in the kitchen (on the counter) which is pictured here:
(that pretty girl on the couch... we'll get to her in my weekend at a glance post... )
and don't you love that grouping of pictures on the wall? here's a closer look:
and the next few pictures are just some other areas in the apartment.
my desk area
one of my most prized possessions.
my step mom's niece painted a portrait of a dog for someone else and it looked so much like my baby dog, my step mom got a copy of it for me...
right by the front door
my chest of drawers
a closer look of the chest of drawers area
my bedside table
my other bedside table
the bathroom- i made my own shower curtain
it took me about twenty minutes to make it. the fabric is called "vauxhall" it's by 5th avenue designs for covington.
oh and here's a pic of quincy, he asked me why he hasn't been on my blog lately (yea, i know, i didn't know he checked my blog either)